February 24, 2016

RGPV B.E Civil 6th Semester (Grading System) Syllabus

                                               CE 601 – Theory of Structures –II  

Unit. I Moment distribution method in analysis of frames with sway, analysis of box frames, analysis of portals with inclined members, analysis of beams and frames by Kani’s method.

Unit. II Plastic analysis of beams and frames.

Unit. III Analysis of tall frames, wind and earthquake loads, codal provisions for lateral loads. Approximate analysis of multistory frames for vertical and lateral loads.

Unit. IV Matrix method of structural analysis: force method and displacement method..

Unit. V Influence lines for intermediate structures, Muller Breslau principle, Analysis of Beam-Columns.

                                   CE 602 – Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering  

Unit-I Hydrology : Hydrological cycle, precipitation and its measurement, recording and non recording rain gauges, estimating missing rainfall data, raingauge net works, mean depth of precipitation over a drainage area, mass rainfall curves, intensity-duration curves, depth-area duration curves, Infiltration and infiltration indices, evaporation stream gauging, run off and its estimation, hydrograph analysis, unit hydrograph and its derivation from isolated and complex storms, S- curve hydrograph, synthetic unit hydrograph.

Unit-II Floods and Ground water : Types of floods and their estimation by different methods, probability and frequency analysis, flood routing through reservoirs and channels, flood control measures, economics of flood control, confined and unconfined aquifers, aquifer properties, hydraulics of wells under steady flow conditions, infiltration galleries. Ground water recharge- necessity and methods of improving ground water storage. Water logging-causes, effects and its prevention. Salt efflorescence-causes and effects. reclamation
of water logged and salt affected lands.

Unit-III Water resources planning and management : Planning of water resources projects, data requirements, economic analysis of water resources projects appraisal of multipurpose projects, optimal operation of projectsintrouduction to linear programming and its application to water resources projects. Role of water in the environment, rain water harvesting, impact assessment of water resources development and managerial measures.

Unit - IV Irrigation water requirement and soil-water-crop relationship: Irrigation, definition, necessity, advantages and disadvantages, types and methods. Irrigation development. Soils - types and their occurrence, suitability for irrigation purposes, wilting coefficient and field capacity, optimum water supply, consumptive use and its determination. Irrigation methods- surface and subsurface, sprinkler and drip irrigation.  Duty of water, factors affecting duty and methods to improve duty, suitability of water for irrigation, crops and crop seasons, principal crops and their water requirement, crop ratio and crop rotation, intensity of irrigation.

Unit - V Canal irrigation: Types of canals, alignment, design of unlined and lined canals, Kennedy’s and Lacey’s silt theories, typical canal sections, canal losses, lininings-objectives, materials used, economics. Canal falls & cross drainage works, - description and design, head and cross regulators. escapes and outlets, canal transitions.
Well irrigation: Types of wells, well construction, yield tests, specific capacity level and specific yield, hydraulic design of open wells and tube wells, methods of raising well water, characteristics of pumps and their selection, interference of wells, well losses, advantages and disadvantages of well irrigation.

                                                    CE 603 – Environmental Engg. - I 

Unit - I Estimation of ground and surface water resources. quality of water from different sources, demand & quantity of water, fire demand, water requirement for various uses, fluctuations in demand, forecast of population.

Unit - II Impurities of water and their significance, water-borne diseases, physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis of water, water standards for different uses. Intake structure, conveyance of water, pipe materials, pumps - operation & pumping stations.

Unit - III Water Treatment methods-theory and design of sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, disinfection, aeration & water softening, modern trends in sedimentation & filtration, miscellaneous methods of treatment.

Unit - IV Layout and hydraulics of different distribution systems, pipe fittings, valves and appurtenances, analysis of distribution system. Hardy cross method, leak detection, maintenance of distribution systems, service reservoir capacity and height of reservoir.

Unit - V Rural water supply schemes, financing and management of water supply project, water pollution control act, conservancy & water carriage system, sanitary appliance and their operation, building drainage system of plumbing.

                                                     CE 604 – Geo Tech Engg. I 

Unit - I Basic Definitions & Index Properties : Definition and scope of soil mechanics, Historical development. Formation of soils. Soil composition. Minerals, Influence of clay minerals on engineering behaviour. Soil structure. Three phase system. Index properties and their determination. Consistency limits. Classification systems based on particle size and consistency limits.

Unit - II Soil Water and Consolidation : Soil water, Permaeability Determination of permeability in laboratory and in field. Seepage and seepage pressure. Flownets, uses of a flownet, Effective, neutral and total stresses. Compressibility and consolidation, Relationship between pressure and void ratio, Theory of one dimensional consolidation. Consolidation test, Fitting Time curves. Normally and over  consolidated clays. Determination of preconsolidation pressure, settlement analysis. Calculation of total settlement.

Unit - III Stress Distribution in Soils and Shear Strength of Soils: Stress distribution beneath loaded areas by Boussinesq and water gaurd’s analysis. Newmark’s influence chart. Contact pressure distribution.  Mohr - Coulomb’s theory of shear failure of soils, Mohr’s stress circle, Measurement of shear strength, Shear box test, Triaxial compression test, unconfined compression test, Value shear test, Measurement of pore pressure, pore pressure parameters, critical void ratio, Liquefaction.

Unit - IV Stability of Slopes: Infinite and finite slopes. Types of slope failures, Rotational slips. Stability number. Effect of ground water. Selection of shear strength parameters in slope stability analysis. Analytical and graphical methods of stability analysis. Stability of Earth dams.

Unit - V Lateral Earth Pressure: Active, passive and earth pressure at rest. Rankine, Coulomb, Terzaghi and Culmann’s theories. Analytical and graphical methods of determination of earth pressures on cosion-less and cohesive soils. Effect of surcharge, water table and wallfriction. Arching in soils. Reinforced earth retaining walls.

                                  CE 605 – Structural Design & Drawing – II (Steel)

Unit - I Various loads and mechanism of the load transfer, partial load factors, structural properties of steel, Design of structural connections -Bolted, Rivetted and Welded connections.

Unit - II Design of compression members, Tension members, Roof Trusses - Angular & Tubular, Lattice Girders.

Unit-III Design of simple beams, Built-up beams, Plate girders and gantry girders.

Unit - IV Effective length of columns, Design of columns-simple and compound, Lacings & battens. Design of footings for steel structures, Grillage foundation.

Unit - V Design of Industrial building frames, multistory frames, Bracings for high rise structures, Design of transmission towers.

NOTE: - All the designs for strength and serviceability should strictly be as per the latest version of IS:800.  

Check out RGPV B.E 6th Semester (Grading System) Syllabus.

February 20, 2016

RGPV B.Arch 5th Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2016

This is regarding RGPV B.Arch 5th Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2015-2016. We would like to update you that B.Arch 5th Semester Examination Results will be declared most probably by 2nd week of April, 2016.

You can track the updated details regarding upcoming RGPV Examination results via Facebook and Google+ pages.

You can also check the below list of other upcoming Examination Results 2015-2016.

RGPV B.Arch 1st Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 2nd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 3rd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 4th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 6th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 7th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 8th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 9th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016

RGPV B.Arch 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2016

This is regarding RGPV B.Arch 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2015-2016. We would like to update you that B.Arch 4th Semester Examination Results will be declared most probably by 3rd week of April, 2016.

You can track the updated details regarding upcoming RGPV Examination results via Facebook and Google+ pages.

You can also check the below list of other upcoming Examination Results 2015-2016.

RGPV B.Arch 1st Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 2nd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 3rd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 5th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 6th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 7th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 8th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 9th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016

RGPV B.Arch 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2016

This is regarding RGPV B.Arch 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2015-2016. We would like to update you that B.Arch 3rd Semester Examination Results will be declared most probably by 3rd week of April, 2016.

You can track the updated details regarding upcoming RGPV Examination results via Facebook and Google+ pages.

You can also check the below list of other upcoming Examination Results 2015-2016.

RGPV B.Arch 1st Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 2nd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 4th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 5th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 6th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 7th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 8th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 9th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016

RGPV B.Arch 1st Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2016

This is regarding RGPV B.Arch 1st Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2015-2016. We would like to update you that B.Arch 1st Semester Examination Results will be declared most probably by last week of April, 2016.

You can track the updated details regarding upcoming RGPV Examination results via Facebook and Google+ pages.

You can also check the below list of other upcoming Examination Results 2015-2016.

RGPV B.Arch 2nd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 3rd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 4th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 5th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 6th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 7th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 8th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 9th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016

RGPV B.Arch 2nd Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2016

This is regarding RGPV B.Arch 2nd Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2015-2016. We would like to update you that B.Arch 2nd Semester Examination Results will be declared most probably by last week of April, 2016.

You can track the updated details regarding upcoming RGPV Examination results via Facebook and Google+ pages.

You can also check the below list of other upcoming Examination Results 2015-2016.

RGPV B.Arch 1st Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 3rd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 4th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 5th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 6th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 7th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 8th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 9th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV B.Arch 10th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016

February 19, 2016

RGPV M.Tech 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2016

This is regarding RGPV M.E/M.Tech 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2015-2016. We would like to update you that M.E/M.Tech 4th Semester Examination Results will be declared most probably by 1st week of April, 2016.

You can track the updated details regarding upcoming RGPV Examination results via Facebook and Google+ pages.

You can also check the below list of other upcoming Examination Results 2015-2016.

RGPV M.Tech 1st Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV M.Tech 2nd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV M.Tech 3rd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016

RGPV M.Tech 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2016

This is regarding RGPV M.E/M.Tech 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination Results 2015-2016. We would like to update you that M.E/M.Tech 3rd Semester Examination Results will be declared most probably by 2nd week of April, 2016.

You can track the updated details regarding upcoming RGPV Examination results via Facebook and Google+ pages.

You can also check the below list of other upcoming Examination Results 2015-2016.

RGPV M.Tech 1st Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV M.Tech 2nd Semester Examination Results 2015-2016
RGPV M.Tech 4th Semester Examination Results 2015-2016