December 29, 2015

RGPV B.E/B.Pharmacy/B.Arch 1st Semester CBCS Exam Time Table

RGPV B.E (All Branches)/B.Pharmacy/B.Arch 1st Semester Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Examination Time Table Jan-Feb 2016.Check out your Examination Time Table in Image Format you can easily view it on PC and Mobiles.Check out More Latest Examination Time Table of all Programs of RGPV here at:-

For more updates on the Latest, Examination Time Table stay in touch with us on Facebook and Google+

RGPV B.E/B.Pharmacy/B.Arch 1st Semester CBCS Exam Time Table

December 28, 2015

RGVP Examination 2015-2016 Admit Cards

RGPV B.E/B.Pharmacy/M.E/M.Tech Examination 2015-2016 Admit Cards for all semester are available. We would like to update you that, you can download your Admit Cards from the below link.

Admit Card: Click here to Download Admit Card : Session December 2015-2016

December 18, 2015

RGPV B.Pharmacy 7th Sem Exam Time Table

RGPV B.Pharmacy 7th Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec-Jan 2016 is announced by University.Time Table is in Image format , you can easily view it on any device. For more Latest RGPV Examination Time Table of all programs visit:-RGPV Exam Time Table

RGPV B.Pharmacy 7th Sem Exam Time Table 

RGPV B.Pharmacy 2nd Sem Exam Time Table

RGPV B.Pharmacy 2nd Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec-Jan 2016.Check out your Examination Time Table in Image Format you can easily view it on PC and Mobiles.Check out More Latest Examination Time Table of all Programs of RGPV here at:-

RGPV B.Pharmacy 2nd Sem Exam Time Table 

RGPV B.Pharmacy 4th Sem Exam Time Table

RGPV B.Pharmacy 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec-Jan 2016.Check out your Examination Time Table in Image Format you can easily view it on PC and Mobiles.Check out More Latest Examination Time Table of all Programs of RGPV here at:-
RGPV B.Pharmacy 4th Sem Exam Time Table 

RGPV B.Pharmacy 1st Sem Exam Time Table

RGPV B.Pharmacy 1st Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec-Jan 2016.Check out your Examination Time Table in Image Format you can easily view it on PC and Mobiles.Check out More Latest Examination Time Table of all Programs of RGPV here at:-

RGPV B.Pharmacy 1st Sem Exam Time Table 

RGPV B.Pharmacy 3rd Sem Exam Time Table

RGPV B.Pharmacy 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec - Jan 2016.Check out your Examination Time Table in Image Format you can easily view it on PC and Mobiles.Check out More Latest Examination Time Table of all Programs of RGPV here at:-
RGPV B.Pharmacy 3rd Sem Exam Time Table 

December 02, 2015

RGPV B.E 4th Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec 2015 is announced by University.Time Table is in Image format , you can easily view it on any device. For more Latest RGPV Examination Time Table of all programs visit:-RGPV Exam Time Table

RGPV B.E 4th Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 8th Sem (Non Grading) Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 8th Semester (Non Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec-Jan 2016 is announced by University.Time Table is in Image format , you can easily view it on any device. For more Latest RGPV Examination Time Table of all programs visit:-RGPV Exam Time Table

RGPV B.E 8th Sem (Non Grading) Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 8th Sem (Non Grading) Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 8th Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 8th Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec-Jan 2016 is announced by University.Time Table is in Image format , you can easily view it on any device. For more Latest RGPV Examination Time Table of all programs visit:-RGPV Exam Time Table

Check out Here Latest RGPV B.E Examination Time Table June 2016
RGPV B.E 8th Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 8th Sem Examination Time Table

November 04, 2015

RGPV B.E 5th Sem Exam Time Table 2015

RGPV B.E 5th Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec 2015 is declared by University.We are Providing you Time Table in Image Format, so that you can easily view it on your device.For more RGPV Engineering Latest Examination Time Table must visit on:-TIME TABLE

For More Updates on Examination Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+ 

RGPV B.E 5th Sem Time Table 2015

RGPV B.E 5th Sem Time Table 2015

RGPV B.E 3rd Sem( Grading) Exam Time Table 2015-2016

RGPV B.E 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination Dec 2015 Time Table.You can get Exam Time Table here in Image Format. Check out More Latest Examination Time Table here at:-RGPV Exam Time Table.
RGPV B.E 3rd Sem( Grading) Exam Time Table 2015

RGPV B.E 7th Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 7th Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec 2015 is announced by University.Time Table is in Image format , you can easily view it on any device.For more Latest RGPV Examination Time Table of all programs visit:-RGPV Exam Time Table

Check out latest RGPV B.E 7th Semester Examination Time Table 2016 here: B.E 7th Sem Time Table 2016
RGPV B.E 7th Sem Examination Time Table
RGPV B.E 7th Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 2nd Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 2nd Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table June 2015 is announced by University.Time Table is in Image format , you can easily view it on any device.For more Latest RGPV Examination Time Table of all programs visit:-RGPV Exam Time Table
RGPV B.E 2nd Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 1st Sem Examination Time Table

RGPV B.E 1st Semester (Grading System) Examination Time Table Dec 2015 is announced by University.Time Table is in Image format , you can easily view it on any device.For more Latest RGPV Examination Time Table of all programs visit:-RGPV Exam Time Table
RGPV B.E 1st Sem Examination Time Table

September 26, 2015

RGPV B.E 2nd Sem Exam Results 2015

This is for all B.E 2nd Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.E 2nd Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 results is declared by University.

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

RGPV B.E 1st Sem Exam Results 2015

This is for all B.E 1st Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.E 1st Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 results is declared by University.

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

September 24, 2015

RGPV B.E 3rd Sem Exam Results 2015

This is for all B.E 3rd Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.E 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 results is declared by University.

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

September 21, 2015

RGPV B.Pharmacy 1st Sem Results 2015

This is for all B.Pharmacy 1st Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.Pharmacy 1st Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 result is declared

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

RGPV B.Pharmacy 2nd Sem Results 2015

This is for all B.Pharmacy 2nd Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.Pharmacy 2nd Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 result is declared

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

RGPV B.Pharmacy 3rd Sem Results 2015

This is for all B.Pharmacy 3rd Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.Pharmacy 3rd Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 result is declared

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

RGPV B.Pharmacy 4th Sem Results 2015

This is for all B.Pharmacy 4th Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.Pharmacy 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 result is declared

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

September 16, 2015

RGPV B.E 4th Sem Exam Results 2015

This is for all B.E 4th Semester Students. We would like to inform you that, the RGPV B.E 4th Semester (Grading System) Examination 2015 results is declared by University.

We suggest you that, you could check your Examination Results here at:-

To Get Latest updates like Results,Exam Forms,Time Table Follow us on Facebook and Google+

August 24, 2015

RGPV B.E 1st Sem (CBCS) Syllabus

 HU110 ENGLISH 3-0-2 

COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this foundational course is to develop the second language learners’ ability to use the four fundamental language skills – listening, speaking, writing and reading. The objective of this laboratory is to practice English phonetics through audio & visual aids and computer software. It intends to enable student to speak English correctly with confidence. 


Grammar – Applied Grammar and usage, Parts of Speech, Articles, Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Prepositions, Active and Passive Voice, Reported Speech: Direct and Indirect, Sentence Structure, Punctuations.

Vocabulary Development – Using Dictionaries and Thesaurus, Synonyms, Antonyms, Homophones, One Word Substitution, Affixation: Prefixes & Suffixes, Derivation from root words, Jargon, Scientific Jargon. 

Developing Reading Skills – Reading Comprehension, Process, Active & Passive Reading, Reading Speed Strategies, Benefits of effective reading, note-making, note- taking, Reading comprehension of technical material and SQ3R reading technique 

Developing Writing Skills – Planning, Drafting & Editing, Writing with style, right-words selection, writing effective sentences, developing logical paragraphs, art of condensation, précis, essay, technical definition and technical description 

Business Correspondence – Business Letters, Parts & Layouts of Business Letters, Writing Resume/ Application Calling/ Sending Quotations/ Orders/ Complaints and E-mails 

Topics for the Laboratory: 

1. Basic Grammar & Vocabulary Practice (Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Sentence Completion, Correctly Spelt Words, Idioms, Proverbs, Common Errors. 
2. Phonetic Symbols, Pronunciations 
3. Listening Skills – Including Listening Comprehension 
4. Extempore and JAM (Just a Minute Session) 
5. Role Play – I 
6. Role play – II 
7. Body Language 
8. Debate 
9. Oral Presentation – Preparation & Delivery using Audio – Visual Aids with stress on body language and voice modulations. (Topics to be selected by the Instructor) 

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess sound language skills. They must also feel confident in communicating their ideas and feelings. After laboratory exercises, students must possess sound language skills. They must also feel confident in communicating their ideas to others. 

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment. Laboratory assessment will be based on assignments, presentations, and interview of each candidate. 

REFERENCES A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford IBH Pub Sanjay Kumarm Pushp Lata, English for Effective Communication, Oxford


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to help students to acquire reading and writing skills in a self-learning mode. 

Exercises to be performed by students: 
 Reading text selection from the list given below 
 To write a book-review 

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess sound comprehension skills. They must also feel confident in writing reviews and comments on the read material. 

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class. Assessment will be based on assignments, presentations, and interview of each candidate. 

1. My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi 
2. Wings of Fire by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 
3. History of Everything by Stephen Hawkings 
4. A Passage to India by E.M. Forster 
5. The Argumentative Indian by Amartya Sen 
6. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 
7. Life of Pi by William Dalrymple 
8. The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo 
9. The Eighth Habbit by Stephen Covey 
10. The Road Less Travelled by M.Scott Peck


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this foundational course is to review mathematical concepts already learnt in higher secondary. This course will also introduce fundamentals of mathematical functions, derivatives and aspects of calculus to students.


Recapitulation of Mathematics: Basics of Differentiation, Rolle’s and Lagranges Theorem, Tangents and Normals, Indefinite Integral (Substitution, Integration using Trigonometric Identity & Integration by Parts & Definite Integral).

Ordinary Derivatives & Applications: Expansion of functions by Maclaurin’s & Taylor’s Theorem (One Variable), Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables, Curvature (Radius, Center & Circle of Curvature for Cartesian Coordinates), Curve Tracing.

Partial Derivatives & Applications: Definition, Euler’s Theorem for Homogeneous Functions, Differentiation of Implicit Functions, Total Differential Coefficient, Transformations of Independent Variables, Jacobians, Approximation of Errors.

Integral Calculus: Definite Integrals as a Limit of Sum, Application in Summation of series, Beta and Gamma functions (Definitions, Relation between Beta and Gamma functions, Duplication formula, Applications of Beta & Gama Functions).

Applications of Integral Calculus: Multiple Integral (Double & Triple Integrals), Change of Variables, Change the Order of Integration, Integral in Area, Volume, Surfaces & Volume of Solid of Revolution about X-Axis & Y-Axis. COURSE OUTCOMES The curriculum of the Department is designed to satisfy the diverse needs of students. Coursework is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn key concepts of mathematical functions, partial derivatives as well as fundamentals and applications of integral calculus.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment.

REFERENCES Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2002 (Indian Edition). B.V. Rammana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2007. Potter, Goldberg & Edward, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Oxford University Press. S. S. Shastry, Engineering Mathematics, PHI Learning C.B. Gupta, Engineering Mathematics I & II, McGraw Hill India, 2015.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this foundational course is to review mathematical concepts already learnt in higher secondary. This course deep understanding of matrix, differential equations as well as a strong sense of how useful the subject can be in other disciplines of learning.


Matrices & Linear Systems: Rank of a Matrix (By reducing it to Elementary Transformation, Echelon & Normal Forms), Solution of Simultaneous equations by Elementary Transformation Methods, Consistency & Inconsistency of Equations, Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors, Cayley- Hamilton Theorem..

Ordinary Differential Equations-I: First-order differential equations (Separable, Exact, Homogeneous, Linear), Linear differential Equations with constant coefficients. Ordinary

Differential Equations-II: Homogeneous linear differential equations, Simultaneous linear differential equations. Second-Order Linear Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients: Solution by Method of Undetermined Coefficients, ByS Known Integral, Removal of First Derivative, Change of Independent Variable and Variation of Parameters.

Partial Differential Equations-I: Definition, Formulation, Solution of PDE ( By Direct Integration Method & Lagranges Method), Non-Linear Partial Differential Equation of First order {Standard I, II, III & IV), Charpit’s General Method of Solution Partial Differential equations.

Partial Differential Equations-II: Partial Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients (Second and Higher Orders Homogeneous and Non- Homogeneous equations), Partial differential Equations Reducible to equations with constant coefficients, The Method of Separation of Variables.

COURSE OUTCOMES The curriculum of the Department is designed to satisfy the diverse needs of students. Coursework is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn key concepts of matrix, differential equations and their applications.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment.

REFERENCES Dean G. Duffy, Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, CRC Press, 2013. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2002 (Indian Edition). B.V. Rammana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2007. Shanti Narayan, A Course of Mathematical Analysis. S. Chhand & Co. Delhi. Marwaha, Introduction to Linear Algebra, PHI Learning.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students to environment concerns. Students are expected to learn about environment, factors affecting it, environmental ethics and its protection through lectures, presentations, documentaries and field visits.


Introduction: Domestic and Global Environmental concerns, principles of sustainable development, Sustainable agriculture, organic farming, bio-fuels, Threats for sustainability

Environmental Ethics & Legislations: Enforcement of Environment laws in India – The water act, The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Environmental Auditing

Environmental Pollution: Air Pollution – sources, types of air pollutants, National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Controlling Air Pollution. Water pollution – sources, types of water pollutants, water quality indicators, water quality standards. Soil Pollution - types of soil pollutants: industrial wastes, pesticides, fertilizers and manures, salination of soil, Controlling Soil Pollution.

Environmental Challenges: Local Challenges - Solid Waste – Impact of solid waste on natural resources, Deforestation; Global Challenges - climate change and global warming, Kyoto Protocol, Greenhouse Gases, Ways to reduce Greenhouse gases emissions, Carbon Footprint, ways to reduce carbon footprint, Carbon Trading.

Sustainable habitat, industrialisation and urbanization: Concept of Green Building, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), GRIHA Rating, LEED Rating, HVAC, Hybrid Car Technology, Industrial ecology, India’s renewable energy capacity. Green Technology & Green Business: Green Business, Green Computing, E-waste management.

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess an understanding of environment, eco-system and its consequences of unbalancing the environment. After successful completion of this course, student will earn 2 credits.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment.

REFERENCES R. Rajagopalan, Environmental Studies, Oxford IBH Pub, 2011. Kogent Learning Solutions Inc., Energy, Environment, Ecology and Society, Dreamtech, 2012. Rag, R. L, Ramesh, Lekshmi Dinachandran, Introduction to sustainable engineering.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students about the basic fundamentals of Information Technology (IT). Students are expected to learn about applications of IT in communication, multimedia, internet and cloud computing.


Data and Information: Introduction, Type of data, Simple model of computer.

Data processing using a computer: Introduction to Operating System, Data storage Media, High capacity network storage media.

Introduction to Database Management System; Database modelling; Relational model; Distributed DBMS; Data warehouse, Data mining; Classification of Language and Applications

IT Application in Communication: Network services-telephone services, Cellular telephone services, Radio and TV broadcasting, Audio-Visual conferencing, Video-on-demand.

Internet Technology: Introduction, Working of internet, Introduction to network protocol and topologies, Types of network: LAN, WAN, Web browser.

Internet Services: E-mail, Telnet, FTP, WWW, HTML, URL.

IT Application in Multimedia: Introduction, Components of multimedia and challenges, Video compression, Video coding technology: JPEG, MPEG, And JBIG.

Introduction to cloud computing: Types, Services, Models, Characteristics, Benefits and Challenges, Application, Limitations.

IT Application in E-Commerce and E-Governance: Introduction, Different Types of E- Commerce with examples, Advantages and disadvantages, E-Commerce in India, E-Services, E-Commerce security, Internet security and ethics, Technology issues, Social issues, Introduction to E-Governance, Challenges, Application, advantages, Case study of MP-online and IRCTC

Social impact of information technology: Introduction, Social Uses of World Wide Web, Social networking Services, Privacy, security and integrity of Information ,Disaster recovery Intellectual property rights, IT Enabled Services and careers, Career in information technology, Case study of NPTEL.

References: V.Rajaraman, Introduction to Information Technology; PHI E Balagurusamy, Fundamentals of Computers, TMH Santiram Kal Basic Electronics, PHI M.N. Rao Cloud Computing, PHI.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students to civil engineering and its sub-domains. Students are expected to learn about scope, current and future trends in infrastructure industry, jobs, innovations & research opportunities in the field of civil engineering. Course content will be covered through lectures, assignments, case-studies, presentations, documentaries and field visits.


Overview of Civil Engineering, types of Infrastructures, Effect of infrastructure facilities on economy and environment, Role of Civil Engineers in the infrastructural Development Introduction to sub-domains of Civil Engineering, Size of Infrastructure Industry, emerging trends in infra spending through public and public-private partnership (PPP), talent shortage, and global trends in workforce mobility and skilldemands.

Stages in the life of construction – Design, Construction, Maintenance, Repair, Demolition/Recycling; an overview of Indian Standards, units and conversion factors for Lengths, Areas, Volumes and Weights; Opportunities and challenge of India’s Infrastructure, Interdisciplinary nature of Civil Engineering Projects.

Roads: Types of Roads, Nagpur Road Plan, Components of
Road and their function; Bridges: Important parts of bridges, classification of bridges; Types of Dams.

Properties and classification of common building materials – Stones, Bricks, Sand, Limes, Cement, Mortar, Concrete, Steel.

Overview of Indian Road Congress, National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Emerging areas and new technologies in the field of civil engineering.

COURSE OUTCOMES After successful completion of course, Students are expected to possess an in-depth understanding and knowledge about the scope, current and future trends in infrastructure industry, elementary terminologies, learning resources and career-opportunities in the field of civil engineering and its allied domains.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class followed by final examination.

REFERENCES Elements of Civil Engineering by MD Saikia, B Mohan Das, MM Das, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2015 Prakash M.N. Shesha, Ganesh B., A Textbook on Elements of Civil Engineering, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Study material provided by the instructor.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the course is to introduce concepts in engineering design to students from all the engineering disciplines. This course broadly covers the prerequisites for an innovative design followed by concepts of products design cycle right from planning, designing, manufacturing, distributing and its usage.


Introduction to engineering Design process: Its importance, types of designs, various ways to think about design like visualization, photography etc, simplified iteration model, design versus scientific method, a problem solving methodology.

Considerations of a good design Achievement of performance requirements, Total life cycle, Regulatory and social issues in Indian context

Description of Design Process Conceptual Design, Embodiment Design, Detail Design, Planning for Manufacture, Planning for distribution, Planning for Use, Planning for the retirement of the product.

Product Design Cycle, Identification of customer needs and market research essentials, concept generation, technology and market assessment

An exposure to various aspects of design including visual, creative and user-centric design (Visual merchandising, trends, materials, technology and techniques). Evolution in Transportation and Communication Technology, Bullock Cart to Lear Jets, Personal messengers to Cell Phones, Fighter planes

Introduction to any one as a case study:

1. Communication Design
2. Industrial Design
3. IT Integrated Design
4. Textile Design
5. Inter disciplinary Design

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess an understanding of various concepts of design, product design cycle, and significant principles inevitable for design of any engineering product or services.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment. REFERENCES George E. Dieter and Linda C. Schmidt, Engineering Design, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. Arvid Eide, Introduction to Engineering Design, McGraw Hill. Otto. K and Wood, K, Product Design, Pearson Education.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students to mechanical engineering and its sub-domains. Students are expected to learn about scope, current and future trends, jobs, innovations & research opportunities in the field of mechanical engineering. Course content will be covered through lectures, assignments, case-studies, presentations, documentaries and field visits. COURSE


What is Engineering, Who are Mechanical Engineers, Overview of Mechanical Engineering, its domains, scope and its utility in different areas; Specializations available with in mechanical Engineering (thermal, production and design) and job opportunities in mechanical Engineering.

Basic definitions of terms related to Thermodynamics, First and Second law of Thermodynamics, Properties of Steam, Introduction to Boilers, Terminology of IC Engines, Two and Four Stroke Petrol and Diesel Cycle.

Introduction to mechanical properties, basic manufacturing processes, pattern, type and its use in metal casting, Introduction of welding, brazing and soldering processes

Case study on any topic from Manufacturing Engineering Magazine Published by Society of Manufacturing Engineers (USA), Machinist Magazine, Technorama published by Institution of Engineers (India) and Manufacturing Today and any other magazine related to mechanical engineering.

Overview of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Society of Automotive Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) etc ; Emerging areas and new technologies in the field of mechanical engineering (3D Printing)

COURSE OUTCOMES After successful completion of course, Students are expected to possess basic understanding and knowledge about the scope, current and future trends in mechanical engineering. The versatility of the mechanical engineering branch and career-opportunities in this field will enable the students to explore the new avenues in their future endeavours.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class followed by final examination.

 REFERENCES Jonathan Wickert, Kemper Lewis, An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, CENGAGE Learning. Michael Clifford, Kathy Simmons, Philip Shipway, An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering: Part 1 and Part 2, Taylor and Francis

RGPV B.E 2nd Sem (CBCS) Syllabus


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this foundational course is to develop the second language learners’ ability to use the four fundamental language skills – listening, speaking, writing and reading. The objective of this laboratory is to practice English phonetics through audio & visual aids and computer software. It intends to enable student to speak English correctly with confidence. 


Grammar – Applied Grammar and usage, Parts of Speech, Articles, Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Prepositions, Active and Passive Voice, Reported Speech: Direct and Indirect, Sentence Structure, Punctuations.

Vocabulary Development – Using Dictionaries and Thesaurus, Synonyms, Antonyms, Homophones, One Word Substitution, Affixation: Prefixes & Suffixes, Derivation from root words, Jargon, Scientific Jargon. 

Developing Reading Skills – Reading Comprehension, Process, Active & Passive Reading, Reading Speed Strategies, Benefits of effective reading, note-making, note- taking, Reading comprehension of technical material and SQ3R reading technique 

Developing Writing Skills – Planning, Drafting & Editing, Writing with style, right-words selection, writing effective sentences, developing logical paragraphs, art of condensation, précis, essay, technical definition and technical description 

Business Correspondence – Business Letters, Parts & Layouts of Business Letters, Writing Resume/ Application Calling/ Sending Quotations/ Orders/ Complaints and E-mails 

Topics for the Laboratory: 

1. Basic Grammar & Vocabulary Practice (Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Sentence Completion, Correctly Spelt Words, Idioms, Proverbs, Common Errors. 
2. Phonetic Symbols, Pronunciations 
3. Listening Skills – Including Listening Comprehension 
4. Extempore and JAM (Just a Minute Session) 
5. Role Play – I 
6. Role play – II 
7. Body Language 
8. Debate 
9. Oral Presentation – Preparation & Delivery using Audio – Visual Aids with stress on body language and voice modulations. (Topics to be selected by the Instructor) 

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess sound language skills. They must also feel confident in communicating their ideas and feelings. After laboratory exercises, students must possess sound language skills. They must also feel confident in communicating their ideas to others. 

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment. Laboratory assessment will be based on assignments, presentations, and interview of each candidate. 

REFERENCES A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford IBH Pub Sanjay Kumarm Pushp Lata, English for Effective Communication, Oxford


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to help students to acquire reading and writing skills in a self-learning mode. 

Exercises to be performed by students: 
 Reading text selection from the list given below 
 To write a book-review 

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess sound comprehension skills. They must also feel confident in writing reviews and comments on the read material. 

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class. Assessment will be based on assignments, presentations, and interview of each candidate. 

1. My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi 
2. Wings of Fire by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 
3. History of Everything by Stephen Hawkings 
4. A Passage to India by E.M. Forster 
5. The Argumentative Indian by Amartya Sen 
6. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 
7. Life of Pi by William Dalrymple 
8. The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo 
9. The Eighth Habbit by Stephen Covey 
10. The Road Less Travelled by M.Scott Peck


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this foundational course is to review mathematical concepts already learnt in higher secondary. This course will also introduce fundamentals of mathematical functions, derivatives and aspects of calculus to students.


Recapitulation of Mathematics: Basics of Differentiation, Rolle’s and Lagranges Theorem, Tangents and Normals, Indefinite Integral (Substitution, Integration using Trigonometric Identity & Integration by Parts & Definite Integral).

Ordinary Derivatives & Applications: Expansion of functions by Maclaurin’s & Taylor’s Theorem (One Variable), Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables, Curvature (Radius, Center & Circle of Curvature for Cartesian Coordinates), Curve Tracing.

Partial Derivatives & Applications: Definition, Euler’s Theorem for Homogeneous Functions, Differentiation of Implicit Functions, Total Differential Coefficient, Transformations of Independent Variables, Jacobians, Approximation of Errors.

Integral Calculus: Definite Integrals as a Limit of Sum, Application in Summation of series, Beta and Gamma functions (Definitions, Relation between Beta and Gamma functions, Duplication formula, Applications of Beta & Gama Functions).

Applications of Integral Calculus: Multiple Integral (Double & Triple Integrals), Change of Variables, Change the Order of Integration, Integral in Area, Volume, Surfaces & Volume of Solid of Revolution about X-Axis & Y-Axis. COURSE OUTCOMES The curriculum of the Department is designed to satisfy the diverse needs of students. Coursework is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn key concepts of mathematical functions, partial derivatives as well as fundamentals and applications of integral calculus.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment.

REFERENCES Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2002 (Indian Edition). B.V. Rammana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2007. Potter, Goldberg & Edward, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Oxford University Press. S. S. Shastry, Engineering Mathematics, PHI Learning C.B. Gupta, Engineering Mathematics I & II, McGraw Hill India, 2015.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this foundational course is to review mathematical concepts already learnt in higher secondary. This course deep understanding of matrix, differential equations as well as a strong sense of how useful the subject can be in other disciplines of learning.


Matrices & Linear Systems: Rank of a Matrix (By reducing it to Elementary Transformation, Echelon & Normal Forms), Solution of Simultaneous equations by Elementary Transformation Methods, Consistency & Inconsistency of Equations, Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors, Cayley- Hamilton Theorem..

Ordinary Differential Equations-I: First-order differential equations (Separable, Exact, Homogeneous, Linear), Linear differential Equations with constant coefficients. Ordinary

Differential Equations-II: Homogeneous linear differential equations, Simultaneous linear differential equations. Second-Order Linear Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients: Solution by Method of Undetermined Coefficients, ByS Known Integral, Removal of First Derivative, Change of Independent Variable and Variation of Parameters.

Partial Differential Equations-I: Definition, Formulation, Solution of PDE ( By Direct Integration Method & Lagranges Method), Non-Linear Partial Differential Equation of First order {Standard I, II, III & IV), Charpit’s General Method of Solution Partial Differential equations.

Partial Differential Equations-II: Partial Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients (Second and Higher Orders Homogeneous and Non- Homogeneous equations), Partial differential Equations Reducible to equations with constant coefficients, The Method of Separation of Variables.

COURSE OUTCOMES The curriculum of the Department is designed to satisfy the diverse needs of students. Coursework is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn key concepts of matrix, differential equations and their applications.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment.

REFERENCES Dean G. Duffy, Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, CRC Press, 2013. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2002 (Indian Edition). B.V. Rammana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2007. Shanti Narayan, A Course of Mathematical Analysis. S. Chhand & Co. Delhi. Marwaha, Introduction to Linear Algebra, PHI Learning.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students to environment concerns. Students are expected to learn about environment, factors affecting it, environmental ethics and its protection through lectures, presentations, documentaries and field visits.


Introduction: Domestic and Global Environmental concerns, principles of sustainable development, Sustainable agriculture, organic farming, bio-fuels, Threats for sustainability

Environmental Ethics & Legislations: Enforcement of Environment laws in India – The water act, The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Environmental Auditing

Environmental Pollution: Air Pollution – sources, types of air pollutants, National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Controlling Air Pollution. Water pollution – sources, types of water pollutants, water quality indicators, water quality standards. Soil Pollution - types of soil pollutants: industrial wastes, pesticides, fertilizers and manures, salination of soil, Controlling Soil Pollution.

Environmental Challenges: Local Challenges - Solid Waste – Impact of solid waste on natural resources, Deforestation; Global Challenges - climate change and global warming, Kyoto Protocol, Greenhouse Gases, Ways to reduce Greenhouse gases emissions, Carbon Footprint, ways to reduce carbon footprint, Carbon Trading.

Sustainable habitat, industrialisation and urbanization: Concept of Green Building, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), GRIHA Rating, LEED Rating, HVAC, Hybrid Car Technology, Industrial ecology, India’s renewable energy capacity. Green Technology & Green Business: Green Business, Green Computing, E-waste management.

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess an understanding of environment, eco-system and its consequences of unbalancing the environment. After successful completion of this course, student will earn 2 credits.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment.

REFERENCES R. Rajagopalan, Environmental Studies, Oxford IBH Pub, 2011. Kogent Learning Solutions Inc., Energy, Environment, Ecology and Society, Dreamtech, 2012. Rag, R. L, Ramesh, Lekshmi Dinachandran, Introduction to sustainable engineering.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students about the basic fundamentals of Information Technology (IT). Students are expected to learn about applications of IT in communication, multimedia, internet and cloud computing.


Data and Information: Introduction, Type of data, Simple model of computer.

Data processing using a computer: Introduction to Operating System, Data storage Media, High capacity network storage media.

Introduction to Database Management System; Database modelling; Relational model; Distributed DBMS; Data warehouse, Data mining; Classification of Language and Applications

IT Application in Communication: Network services-telephone services, Cellular telephone services, Radio and TV broadcasting, Audio-Visual conferencing, Video-on-demand.

Internet Technology: Introduction, Working of internet, Introduction to network protocol and topologies, Types of network: LAN, WAN, Web browser.

Internet Services: E-mail, Telnet, FTP, WWW, HTML, URL.

IT Application in Multimedia: Introduction, Components of multimedia and challenges, Video compression, Video coding technology: JPEG, MPEG, And JBIG.

Introduction to cloud computing: Types, Services, Models, Characteristics, Benefits and Challenges, Application, Limitations.

IT Application in E-Commerce and E-Governance: Introduction, Different Types of E- Commerce with examples, Advantages and disadvantages, E-Commerce in India, E-Services, E-Commerce security, Internet security and ethics, Technology issues, Social issues, Introduction to E-Governance, Challenges, Application, advantages, Case study of MP-online and IRCTC

Social impact of information technology: Introduction, Social Uses of World Wide Web, Social networking Services, Privacy, security and integrity of Information ,Disaster recovery Intellectual property rights, IT Enabled Services and careers, Career in information technology, Case study of NPTEL.

References: V.Rajaraman, Introduction to Information Technology; PHI E Balagurusamy, Fundamentals of Computers, TMH Santiram Kal Basic Electronics, PHI M.N. Rao Cloud Computing, PHI.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students to civil engineering and its sub-domains. Students are expected to learn about scope, current and future trends in infrastructure industry, jobs, innovations & research opportunities in the field of civil engineering. Course content will be covered through lectures, assignments, case-studies, presentations, documentaries and field visits.


Overview of Civil Engineering, types of Infrastructures, Effect of infrastructure facilities on economy and environment, Role of Civil Engineers in the infrastructural Development Introduction to sub-domains of Civil Engineering, Size of Infrastructure Industry, emerging trends in infra spending through public and public-private partnership (PPP), talent shortage, and global trends in workforce mobility and skilldemands.

Stages in the life of construction – Design, Construction, Maintenance, Repair, Demolition/Recycling; an overview of Indian Standards, units and conversion factors for Lengths, Areas, Volumes and Weights; Opportunities and challenge of India’s Infrastructure, Interdisciplinary nature of Civil Engineering Projects.

Roads: Types of Roads, Nagpur Road Plan, Components of
Road and their function; Bridges: Important parts of bridges, classification of bridges; Types of Dams.

Properties and classification of common building materials – Stones, Bricks, Sand, Limes, Cement, Mortar, Concrete, Steel.

Overview of Indian Road Congress, National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Emerging areas and new technologies in the field of civil engineering.

COURSE OUTCOMES After successful completion of course, Students are expected to possess an in-depth understanding and knowledge about the scope, current and future trends in infrastructure industry, elementary terminologies, learning resources and career-opportunities in the field of civil engineering and its allied domains.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class followed by final examination.

REFERENCES Elements of Civil Engineering by MD Saikia, B Mohan Das, MM Das, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2015 Prakash M.N. Shesha, Ganesh B., A Textbook on Elements of Civil Engineering, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Study material provided by the instructor.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the course is to introduce concepts in engineering design to students from all the engineering disciplines. This course broadly covers the prerequisites for an innovative design followed by concepts of products design cycle right from planning, designing, manufacturing, distributing and its usage.


Introduction to engineering Design process: Its importance, types of designs, various ways to think about design like visualization, photography etc, simplified iteration model, design versus scientific method, a problem solving methodology.

Considerations of a good design Achievement of performance requirements, Total life cycle, Regulatory and social issues in Indian context

Description of Design Process Conceptual Design, Embodiment Design, Detail Design, Planning for Manufacture, Planning for distribution, Planning for Use, Planning for the retirement of the product.

Product Design Cycle, Identification of customer needs and market research essentials, concept generation, technology and market assessment

An exposure to various aspects of design including visual, creative and user-centric design (Visual merchandising, trends, materials, technology and techniques). Evolution in Transportation and Communication Technology, Bullock Cart to Lear Jets, Personal messengers to Cell Phones, Fighter planes

Introduction to any one as a case study:

1. Communication Design
2. Industrial Design
3. IT Integrated Design
4. Textile Design
5. Inter disciplinary Design

COURSE OUTCOMES Student after successful completion of course must possess an understanding of various concepts of design, product design cycle, and significant principles inevitable for design of any engineering product or services.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external assessment. REFERENCES George E. Dieter and Linda C. Schmidt, Engineering Design, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. Arvid Eide, Introduction to Engineering Design, McGraw Hill. Otto. K and Wood, K, Product Design, Pearson Education.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course introduces students to mechanical engineering and its sub-domains. Students are expected to learn about scope, current and future trends, jobs, innovations & research opportunities in the field of mechanical engineering. Course content will be covered through lectures, assignments, case-studies, presentations, documentaries and field visits. COURSE


What is Engineering, Who are Mechanical Engineers, Overview of Mechanical Engineering, its domains, scope and its utility in different areas; Specializations available with in mechanical Engineering (thermal, production and design) and job opportunities in mechanical Engineering.

Basic definitions of terms related to Thermodynamics, First and Second law of Thermodynamics, Properties of Steam, Introduction to Boilers, Terminology of IC Engines, Two and Four Stroke Petrol and Diesel Cycle.

Introduction to mechanical properties, basic manufacturing processes, pattern, type and its use in metal casting, Introduction of welding, brazing and soldering processes

Case study on any topic from Manufacturing Engineering Magazine Published by Society of Manufacturing Engineers (USA), Machinist Magazine, Technorama published by Institution of Engineers (India) and Manufacturing Today and any other magazine related to mechanical engineering.

Overview of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Society of Automotive Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) etc ; Emerging areas and new technologies in the field of mechanical engineering (3D Printing)

COURSE OUTCOMES After successful completion of course, Students are expected to possess basic understanding and knowledge about the scope, current and future trends in mechanical engineering. The versatility of the mechanical engineering branch and career-opportunities in this field will enable the students to explore the new avenues in their future endeavours.

EVALUATION Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class followed by final examination.

 REFERENCES Jonathan Wickert, Kemper Lewis, An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, CENGAGE Learning. Michael Clifford, Kathy Simmons, Philip Shipway, An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering: Part 1 and Part 2, Taylor and Francis

August 17, 2015

RGPV B.Pharmacy 5th Sem (Grading) Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.Pharmacy 5th (Grading) Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 5th Semester Examination Results 2015. You can check your results here at:- EXAM RESULT

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RGPV B.Pharmacy 6th Sem (Grading) Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.Pharmacy 6th (Grading) Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 6th Semester Examination Results 2015. You can check your results here at:- EXAM RESULT

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August 15, 2015

RGPV B.E 5th Sem (Grading) Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.E 5th (Grading) Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 5th Semester Examination Results 2015. You can check your results here at:- EXAM RESULT

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August 11, 2015

RGPV B.E 6th Sem (Grading) Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.E 6th (Grading) Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 6th Semester Examination Results 2015. You can check your results here at:- EXAM RESULT

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August 05, 2015

RGPV B.E 7th Sem (Non Grading) Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.E 7th (Non Grading) Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 7th Semester Examination Results 2015. You can check your results here at:- EXAM RESULT

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RGPV B.E 8th Sem (Non Grading) Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.E 8th (Non Grading) Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 8th Semester Examination Results 2015. You can check your results here at:- EXAM RESULT

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July 23, 2015

RGPV B.Arch 10th Sem Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.Arch 10th Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 10th Semester Examination Results 2015.You can check your examination Results here:-

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RGPV M.C.A 6th Sem Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV M.C.A 6th Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 6th Semester Examination Results 2015. You can check your results here at:- EXAM RESULT

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RGPV B.Pharmacy 7th Sem Exam Results 2015

This is for all RGPV B.Pharmacy 7th Semester Students. We would like to inform you that University had declared 7th Semester Examination Results 2015.You can check your examination Results here:-

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